I lent my friend my steam deck while in the hospital. :(
Alt account of @fossilesque@mander.xyz. :)
I lent my friend my steam deck while in the hospital. :(
\newcommand{\came}[1]{\emph{#1}\kern 0.1em}
So what you’re saying is, destroy all the evidence, yes?
http://ftp.tug.org/ here you go, buddy.
Every good archaeologist and anthropologist is a bit of an anarchist.
Haven’t gotten to it yet, but I read the first few pages and it looks interesting. Going to use this for something tomorrow to save me from STEM duties. Thanks. :)
Listen, he can have all the citations he wants.
I’d call it a rustbelt thing, but it originates towards Pittsburgh.
Sometimes you get them jaggers stuck to your clothes when doing yard work or they get stuck to the dog. You never get jagged by wild blackberries or a fence? I’m just jaggin’.
The accent for people who want to hear it. [2]
Edit: Also, I don’t know if it’s still like this, but you could tell where the money in the state was going growing up because from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg the roads were shit, then magically they got a lot nicer from Harrisburg to Philly. He’s from the nice side of the state and came to the underfunded side via AmeriCorps and is now acting like every other PA politican. Fuck this dude. His eggs are scrambled.
Fetterman is a jagoff. Western PA disowns you, you Reading prick.
It’s just science. Here’s a diagram:
Literally a shitpost.
The work around I do is save them on my phone, then sligly edit them, e.g. do a little crop on the side then resave then it seems to work for whatever reason.
Just don’t shake it more than twice.
Change your sort method, my friend:
Title fixed.